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Friday, April 22, 2011

Alternative Telephone Number of Keris Permata (sms me at 0142180969, no voice option to call me)

Sila Hubungi Saya di 0142180969 (untuk teks saja, tak boleh call), sebab telefon bimbit saya no. 0176091917 mengalami kerosakan, dan perlu dibaiki mengambil masa lebih kurang 2 minggu. Sekian, terima kasih!

You can't call me at 60176091917 which is under repair in the next 2 weeks, or at least until I get a replacement alternative handphone while my handphone is being fixed. Meanwhile just sms (text only) at 0142180969.

I have a problem with my handphone which I accidentally lost when I dropped my pouch (my handphone was inside my pouch) at the CP4 Carpark entrance of Sunway Pyramid, when I opened my door after having problems reaching the touch n go machine, the security said the CCTV showed that my pouch was "run over" 3 times by passing cars until the next customer was kind enough to pick it up and return it to the Security. Thank God there are still honest people out there! I had no chance to say thank you to the kind soul because the security had not taken down his contact details. But, I will pray for him and May God reward him for his good Deed. Thank You Sir! And, Thank God my handphone was not crushed to bits, there is a blotch on the screen which will be replaced, that'll cost me RM150 because the warranty doesn't cover that. But, It's ok I am just happy I got back my pouch, my purse, my cash, identity card (I/C)  atm/debit cards, handphone, driver's licence were all in there. PHEW! Syukur Alhamdulillah.

I only realised I'd lost my handphone at LG2 when I couldn't find my pouch as I was getting out of the car. I was very lucky this time. I have to Thank The Sunway Pyramid Security and Management for their efficiency and effectiveness in handling this matter. That was a gruelling 12-3pm horror as I was running around all over the Sunway Pyramid and Maxis, Balai Polis (I had lodged a police report, and after I returned to the Information Counter at Sunway Pyramid, I was told the pouch was returned by a kind customer) and Maybank (to suspend my account) just outside at PJS11. Everyone I met was kind today, even the Police were so customer-oriented and even helped pay RM2 for the cost of the receipt. And, also offered to pay my parking fee. Thank you again :)

What a day! So now, my handphone's out of order and needs fixing which will take about 2 weeks. If you need to contact me, Please leave me a message/sms me at 0142180969 (this number resides in my Laptop, just text and no voice, so you can't call, ok?) I will get back to you soonest possible. Thank you for your attention. Have a nice weekend!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


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